
Get The Scout In Your E-Mail

Dear readers of The Scout, if you would like a full-color print version of The Scout to read at your leisure or would like to catch up with a past print edition of The Scout, send your e-mail address to shawnw@app.com and you'll be put in a directory to have a PDF edition sent to you once a week. The Scout: The only (info)porn you can enjoy and not feel guilty about it afterward.

Reminder: A new edition of The Scout (pdf) is available at www.app.com/ entertainment in the WebExtras queue, or can be sent to you per instructions above. In it (above), "Grindhouse" lobby cards (Ain't It Cool News has all fourteen, count 'em, fourteen) with a tease to the new zippy "Grindhouse" trailer, a notebook entry on James Cameron's next cinematic endeavor, "Avatar," and so much more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This week's page is totally hot. I'm a Quentin Tarantino junkie (even named my dog after him). This made my day.